Strategy Microsoft understands what being an OS in 2019 means (maybe) I was discussing a few weeks ago how Alibaba is swiftly becoming
Strategy Future-proofing your company Innovation is taking responsibility for the fact that your company will still
Strategy Understanding the future of your market In a video called « The End of the Beginning », Benedict EVANS talks
đź›’ Alibaba, the Retail Operating System Even more aggressively than Amazon, Alibaba positions itself from an e-commerce platform
Strategy How to build a McRib Strategy (Not) I try to avoid talking mathematics when I address innovation strategy. As
Strategy On new mobility business models When we arrived in the Netherlands two years ago, we adjusted our
Strategy Demystifying China Social Scoring System I’ve seen and read a lot of nonsense lately on how
Strategy If you’re selling mattresses online, are you a startup? We idealize startups as young (start-), fast-growing companies (-up) that innovate with
Strategy Innovation doesn’t fit in a pipeline Most of the innovation programs that I encounter are still organized as
Strategy Western brands still misjudge Chinese market I’m still in the ongoing process of waking up a few
Strategy Platforms’ Dark Patterns: Facebook Portal In June, I was writing about « Platforms’ Dark Patterns » as a cautionary