How Europe tech beats US tech Following up on foodtech upcycling in Singapore, it’s impossible to forget
Video games are the new soft power Among the numerous signals China provides about becoming a global leader, it’
Hot Takes Why Biden forgets Tesla While I’m always alerted by how European politicians look at innovation
Weak Signals It's not the phone! Of all the tiring inspirational videos you find on Linkedin, Steve Jobs‘
Hot Takes Is Starbucks a bank? Business models are always difficult to grasp. The core difficulty that I’
Hot Takes Shifting from B2B to B2C never helps Hyperloop doesn't seem to go anywhere and is now shifting from a consumer-oriented project to B2B supply chain. I'm talking about the Virgin copycat, but chances are that the original flavor will get there too (Musk just has deeper pockets).
Technology Europe space sovereignty We have an important number of wake-up calls around Europe’s sovereignty
China now understands branding In China Nike, Adidas, Mercedes, DolceGabana, and Dior are losing ground in
Technology Retail disruption: brick and mortar 2.0 I was discussing this morning the announcement of a new Amazon retail
Technology Waste: the future of foodtech? When considering foodtech you’re thinking lab-grown or plant-based meat alternatives and