Hot Takes 🟢 Does business research matter? In a world shaken by so many struggles, we're starting today a short series questioning the logic and practices of business schools, academia, and executive education.
Toolbox 🟢 The pace layers of innovation Why the different forms of innovation can only move at a different speed. Not so much because some are slower or faster, but because they impact different layers of the market infrastructure.
Hot Takes Netflix and the problem of running without flywheel For digital platforms aiming to become a global business, the most obvious
🟢 Building a proper innovation portfolio - Part 3 The last entry in our innovation portfolio series deals with the most important of it all: your organizational culture.
Public transportation is boring? Think again. When you work with startups, you sometimes get the impression that everyone
Culture Why truth is difficult to share at work Last week I started to share about the differences between team debriefing
🟢 Can Google get AR off the ground? Google announced a new AR glasses prototype. What to make of it?
Culture Team debriefing vs. Team introspection I have been wanting for a long time to share about various