Do we need more Silicon Valleys? (No) Historically, I have been doubtful of reproducing innovation models imported from other
Hot Takes The Verge redesign matters (for us, too) The Verge is among the most famous consumer electronics and technology news
🟢 [ Looking back at ] 15 years of mentoring Mentoring is now a wide-spread practice that is more or less loosely understood, but that is always of great promise. After working on this subject for about 15 years and obtaining a PhD on the very subject in 2012, I thought it would interesting to look back and reflect.
AI Does an AI have the right to produce art? Two weeks ago, a composition won the first prize at the Colorado
Hot Takes Sales are a vanity metric In the context of a looming recession, most governments think again that
Hot Takes The iPhone is wiggling This August, I translated and updated an article from 2013 about how
Hot Takes [ Looking back at ] the rise of China The last episode of this week's Looking Back series will
Strategy 🟢 [ Looking back at ] how platforms and big tech scale Pursuing my [ Looking back at ] series today by curating about digital platform scaling strategies, why network effects matter, and what we still have a hard time understanding about them (especially if you're a regular multinational in defense mode).
Hot Takes ◼️ Innovation Micro-interview #9 - Tim RAYNER, Australia A series of micro-interviews with people we work with. Partners in crime, current or former customers, all have a unique view on innovation and the current zeitgeist. Five questions on innovation, short answers. We might agree, we might disagree. No context, no comments.
Hot Takes [ Looking back at ] our world in crisis Still looking back at what I wrote this summer to help you kick off September with a curated list of ideas and views on innovation that you might have missed.
Technology [ Looking back at ] technology, hype, and predictions You were probably (hopefully?) off the internet for a few weeks. This gives me a fantastic opportunity to look back at what I wrote these last months and kick off September with a curated list of a few articles that you might have missed.
Hot Takes 🟧 [ Dutch week ] Urbanism and biking I've briefly discussed some elements of Dutch design and the