Weak Signals The future always starts in crappy mode When I started to travel and regularly work in Shanghai back then,
Newsletter 🟢 Layered learning in service of culture shift Based on a programme we designed and have been running for a few years with a French administration facing critical changes, let's illustrate and share our approach to layered learning in implementing cultural change.
Strategy Critical mass and dilution point of social networks value Ten years ago, Twitter was already messing with its users and decided
Weak Signals What if the future was about learning to talk to machines? As we are approaching the end of the year and our 1,000th blog article (🤯), I wanted to focus more on how we perceive and use the future as innovators.
Weak Signals 🟢 The future is a mystery, rarely a puzzle As we are approaching the end of the year and our 1,000th blog article (🤯), I wanted to focus more on how we perceive and use the future as innovators.
Weak Signals Beware of the apostles of the future As we are approaching the end of the year and our 1,000th blog article (🤯), I wanted to focus more on how we perceive and use the future as innovators.
Weak Signals The future is never hindered by a lack of technology In just a few weeks, it will be ten years that I&
Weak Signals Dipping your strategic toes in the future As we are approaching the end of the year and our 1,000th blog article (🤯), I wanted to focus more on how we perceive and use the future as innovators.