Strategy 🟢 Five practical steps to ensure your corporate innovation program is not killed after 18 months This week in the newsletter, I detail the key points of my latest keynote on corporate incubation.
Hot Takes A primer on AI copyright As ChatGPT unexpectedly tumbled out of stealth mode a few weeks ago,
Hot Takes My keynote for Tech Summit Amsterdam I'll present a keynote at Tech Summit Amsterdam tomorrow (March
Hot Takes Silicon Valley has (finally) an apex predator We've discussed for years how Silicon Valley and the local
Newsletter 🟢 Fifty shades of digital Digital, digital, digital! For most, it seems to be black magic, or worse, a concept so simple that everyone gets it now! Well, it's neither (even if I'm not entirely sure about black magic). Let me share a framework on 'what is digital' that I've been refining for a few years...
Hot Takes Is it still worth working with startups? For the last five years, I've been trying to decide
Newsletter 🟢 Customer cases. Episode 1, Mentoring at Thales Avionics As we share our more recent customer cases, I am taking the
Hot Takes The cold war on AI As often discussed, disruptions are vastly counterintuitive as we see them as
Toolbox Moving from product to minimum viable business In October 2012, I was already writing about the Lean Startup and the whole MVP fallacy. As I still get many questions about it, it's probably worth translating the article from French (with some cleaning up) and sharing it again.
Newsletter 🟢 What's your Kobayashi Maru dilemma? This week we're done with the GAFAMs and ChatGPT! Let's go back to a key innovation mindset component and some tools. I give you the Kobayashi Maru dilemma... (and yes, I briefly considered trolling Star Trek fans with a Star Wars picture 😱).
Hot Takes How to cook a cat and the cost of running ChatGPT Getting my eyes away from the turmoils ChatGPT is creating in the