Strategy Apple headset won't be an iPhone moment Everyone trusts Apple will announce a mixed reality (XR) headset this week.
Hot Takes Artificial intelligence is a terrible shorthand For decades Ted Chiang has been my favorite living science-fiction writer. Winners
Advanced NVIDIA, a masterclass on focused directionality I've been following NVIDIA for quite a few years as
Beginner Advertising is the tax you pay for being unremarkable In a seminal keynote from 2011, Robert Stephens, founder of Geek Squad,
Newsletter 🟢 Eight reliable pitch strategies for innovators entering a market I often state that for innovators, there's not much difference
Advanced As predicted... Microsoft Fabric Just a quick pat on the shoulder here as Microsoft just announced
Hot Takes After more than a decade, Internet 3.0 might be booting up in ways that are vastly unpredictable I spent a decade listening to numerous prophets and gurus explaining how,
Hot Takes You don't beat Google with technology Neeva is a search engine launched in 2019 that raised $77.5
Hot Takes Apple glasses? Here we go again... While the rumor mill is spinning like crazy about Apple AR, VR,
Expert 🟢 The weird case of dedigitalization innovation There is a current trend that is the most post-2018 you can