AI-Generated Beyond AI: the high-stakes frontiers of digital innovation 🤖This article has been generated by icopilots-GPT, a custom-made AI fed with
Hot Takes The electric vehicles paradox in Europe From a pure innovation standpoint, electric vehicles (EVs) should have shifted into
Newsletter 🟢 9 Strategic insights for 2025 - 8. The battle for the rails Europe spent ten to fifteen years dreaming of startups while the next battle for tech supremacy was already waged elsewhere, on the new "rails" and critical infrastructure.
Hot Takes Can Tesla deliver robotaxis? They'll have to answer these 15 questions first A few days ago, Elon Musk showed off his promised robotaxi, the
Weak Signals Will AI win the Nobel for the U.S. from now on? Back in September 2022, I was reporting on digital and AI: (...) this
Hot Takes Tampa, a canary in the coal mine for innovating urbanism Tampa Bay is becoming a canary in the coal mine for the
Newsletter 🟢 9 Strategic insights for 2025 - 7. The slow incumbents' extinction The core insight A wave of extinction seems to be hitting many
Newsletter 🟢 9 Strategic insights for 2025 - 6. Innovation centers are (mostly) done The innovation lab seemed to be a great idea years ago. Intrapreneurs, infusing new energy in the system with startup-like energy and all that jazz. The most prominent labs are now all closed, mostly silently and without much to show for. The bean bags and pong table are in a closet. What now?
Culture What is a future-driven corporate culture? Understanding what is a corporate culture in a way that is both
Hot Takes Meta’s Orion is another nail in the coffin for mass-market AR/VR (for now) A year ago, pretty much date to date, I was asking "