Weak Signals The difference between premium and luxury goods I was discussing with a customer in the luxury market what makes
Hot Takes The P in PESTEL is often mightier than the T While the U.S. Congress is doing whatever, the European Union has
Newsletter 🟢 How to disrupt long-cycle markets, the Anduril case For those of you, my readers, who are innovation actors in long-cycle
Are AR and VR being digested into AI? Sorry for all the acronyms. The question concerns two highly hyped technologies
Hot Takes Withings, a sleeping small giant? Withings is a French consumer electronics company that was among the first
Strategy 🟢 Medness, the missing healthcare market As someone working in the healthcare market, as well as tech gadgets
Hot Takes The year Google (starts to) disappear? An interesting link from the venerable Daring Fireball about the perception from
Weak Signals A podcast with No Design (in French) I was lucky enough to be invited to chat on the podcast
Weak Signals 🟢 Guaranteeing reality, the new business model of camera makers This week, a discussion on the struggles and opportunities camera-makers are facing with the fast evolution of cheap AI tools and why it will soon matter for everyone else...
Hot Takes A quick take on what OpenAI drama means for the rest of us in 10 bullet points... While everyone is discussing the minute-by-minute live-action, let's step back
Weak Signals 7nm, the new apple of discord Despite the U.S. government's best efforts and sanctions, China